How to Clean Your Implant-Supported Dentures
More comfortable than dentures and an affordable alternative to implants, implant-supported dentures provide the best of both worlds to dental patients. With as little as 2 – 6 implants needed per dental arch, this option can be used to replace a complete set of teeth. To get the most out of your implant-supported dentures, here are some tips you should follow in terms of maintenance and after-care:
1. Use a non-abrasive toothbrush
Bacteria can easily build on dental appliances and lead to tooth decay if not consistently cleaned. Your implant-supported dentures can be cleaned with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Consistent brushing will also help minimize any stain accumulation.
2. Use a water-flosser
Your toothbrush, while essential to maintaining good oral hygiene, often fails to thoroughly reach between teeth, making these high-risk areas for cavities and decay. A water flosser will help clean these areas with ease. Some flossers even come with tiny brushes specifically designed to clean dental implants!
3. Soak in denture solution
Your implant-supported dentures may be removable or fixed. If removable, soaking your dentures in denture-cleaning solution everyday is essential to disinfect them by removing any plaque buildup and also helps keep them soft.
4. Schedule professional cleaning
A dental checkup every 6 months will help your dentist evaluate your dental restorations and intercept any issues early hand. At this checkup, your appliance will be professionally cleaned with your surrounding gum tissues assessed for gum disease as well.
Implant-supported dentures may just be the best option for you! With minimal maintenance and a consistent oral hygiene routine, you can ensure your restoration lasts for decades at a time. At Purity Dental, we can help assess if this restoration is the perfect fit for you. Simply call (03) 9540 8900 and schedule your appointment today.